Practice Project 2

Create a Sweater with your Art File

Let’s learn how to transfer an image to a sweater. Here is a video to follow

Practice Project 2 - Transfer Premade Art (basic).mp4

You can also follow step by step below

Open the attached files in Photoshop…

My first sticker.zip


Prepare Art

Since each stitch on a sweater corresponds to one pixel, in the case of M size sweater this means the front panel is at its widest 393 stitches / pixels wide and 478 stitches / pixels tall. So this means this is the maximum size of our art. In this case we will make it slightly smaller so it fits on front panel of the chest area, so instead of 393 pixels let’s set it to 185.

Open “Image / Size”, set the parameters as in the screenshot and confirm the settings.

Index Colors

Now it’s time to convert the colors of the original image to the yarn colors that are available in the factory. To do that, we can convert the image to Index mode. Select “Image / Mode / Index” and Indexed Color dialog box will appear. To make sure no old settings are applied by Photoshop, set all the parameters like in the screenshot below, starting from top (otherwise it might happen that the “Number of Colors” is ghosted and you won’t be able to type it in). Don’t close the window once the parameters are set, because we will further adjust some settings in the next step:


Once it’s set like this, we can select the exact parameters we’ll need (the previous step was necessary just to ensure your Photoshop wasn’t simply pulling some old parameters into the conversion calculations). On top, change the “Palette” to “Custom” and a Color Table window will appear, showing 4 color chips. It might look like this:



We can now select colors for all individual chips so they match with yarn colors.